The main characteristic of cooperative games is that nobody wins and nobody loses but everybody can have fun together to defeat their own fear, insecurity and lack of confidence instead of fighting a presumed enemy. Cooperative games are a valid tool to create an atmosphere of social and emotional mutual acceptance in groups of all ages. The following options can be tailored to the needs of staff in schools and organisations:
• Cooperative Games for Preschoolers
In this workshop you will experiment and analyze cooperative games that help children to develop their self-esteem and respect for others, and to enhance their communication, body coordination and perception through games that involve all the senses, movement, creativity and self-expression.
• Games and Activities for the Elderly
in this workshop you will learn how to stimulate and maintain the potential of elderly people
in order to keep memory awake, to remain physically flexible and to promote positive relationships and enjoyment
• Recreational Activities for People with Physical and Mental Difficulties
In this workshop you will learn how to create a positive athmosphere in the group, how to stimulate interaction between a group with differing abilities using tools such as parachutes, ropes, and big beach-balls. The workshop will also cover how to stimulate sensorial and physical perception through games. and how to invent new games with a special morphological grid.
• Enhancing Cooperation in Sports
This workshop will cover the following subjects: how to increase cooperation in team-games, how to manage ggressive competition, how to enhance fair play, how to enhance trust and respect in a team through trustbuilding exercises and perceptional games, and how to introduce cooperation in competitive sports.
• Games in Environmental Education
This workshop will play with all our senses: taste, vision, hearing, touch. It will promote creativity using the material provided by nature in order to regain a wider perspective and sensitivity towards our environment.
• Training for Group Leaders and Coaches
This training program offers an overview of 7 weekends and will provide a full range of games for all ages and situations including a module on how to programm game sessions for different clients.
In every case the subject matter will be discussed and agreed to suit the needs of the client.